Sunday, February 23, 2014

Urgent news - This Article was by our sister in Christ Paula garretttoledo

Urgent news - This Article was by our sister in Christ Paula garretttoledo
In the end times, the Bible tells us there will be signs in the heavens. In the sun the moon and the stars. But the moons in particular seem to tell a story all on their own. And repeated blood red moons over Israel have been present during times that Biblical prophecy has unfolded in the past, and the events happened at the same time these moons were seen. So could a triad of blood red moons over Israel in 2014-2015 be fore tellers of Biblical prophecy about to unfold? Is there a bad moon rising that will usher in the tribulation and the wrath of God that is to come upon the entire world?
Whenever an event is about to happen that has to do with the moon, it's best to take a closer look, as unusual moon events are signs that Biblical prophecy is about to take place. One such event is upon is. On April 25th, 2013, there will be a lunar eclipse. Some people believe that when a lunar eclipse happens there will be political unrest and war that will follow shortly after, somewhere in the world. The belief is that the tension will escalate in areas that are on the verge of war, due to the lunar eclipse.
Three blood red moon eclipse will happen at the end of 2014, going into 2015. And these eclipses are scheduled to happen on God's Holy feast days. Blood red moon eclipses are rare in themselves, and the fact that they will appear on God's Holy feast days is unprecedented. The last time blood red moons appeared over Israel is when Israel became a nation and when Israel took Jerusalem in the 6 day war. So what will these blood red moons coming up bring to the world in the years ahead? Will they signify the start of the tribulation period and the war to end all wars as mentioned in the book of Revelation? Let's see what the Bible has to say about this.
Joel 2:31, The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.
There are many verses in the Bible that show the moon as being one of the signs of impending disaster that will shortly come upon mankind. Or as we have seen from events of the past, the moon also foretells of Bible prophecy being fulfilled. So what will the lunar eclipse of April 24, 2013 bring? Or the three blood red moons in 2014-2015? Keep your eyes on the skies as the Bible tells us. The signs are all there and it is up to us to watch and be ready for whatever happens. Jesus tells us that after these signs, events will take place that are so terrifying that men's hearts will fail them for fear of the things that are happening upon the earth.
Ask Jesus into your heart today, ask him to forgive you of your sins, profess that he is your Lord and savior and that he died on the cross to save you from your sins. Let him protect you from the things that are about to come upon the earth. May God's love and peace be with you in these last days. Amen!

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